Hello there. I’m Kate.
I build connection and community so that people feel good being themselves.
I deal in stories, the singular medium that unites us all. Stories make our brains fire; stories compel us to do things, or not do things. Stories drive impact. When it comes to stories, the most important tool in my belt is listening. How can you tell a story, your own or someone else’s, without first understanding what’s important?
I’ve traveled a winding career path that led me to design. I’ve been an ethnographer, a nonprofit fundraiser, a tomato farmer, a copywriter, an events planner, a nanny, a grant writer, an author, an educator, a typewriter poet for hire, a marketing director, a farmers’ market executive director. When I became a designer, all of these things suddenly wove themselves together. I draw upon all of these lives as I build people-first experiences today.
My educational background in anthropology and sociology means I’m actually trained in curiosity. I’m constantly learning. My Strengthsfinder top five are Relator, Strategic, Activator, Maximizer, and Individualization, a I’m a life-long INFP if we’re talking Myers-Briggs.
I live in Lenox, Massachusetts with my wife, our daughter, and a small army of furry kids. I grow flowers and bake sourdough breads, and I’d always rather be reading a novel.